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Spring into Action

Anna Prinz • Mar 26, 2024

What is the reason for the season?

How have you fared during the darker winter months? There are people who grit their teeth, pull on their big coat and, head down, just get through it. They don’t enjoy it and they long for the end of the cold. Others welcome the indoors culture, the slower pace, the sparkly lights and the inward focus of the darker evenings. I do enjoy a candle or three while curled up in front of the fire, sipping on a hot chocolate and luxuriating in the slower pace of the season.

Over the journey of the year, we do change our pace according to the weather, the light and the opportunities. Although I do find something good about every season and do cherish some aspects of the winter, these last few months have been particularly rough. I have noticed how my energy for the journey is returning as the evenings get lighter, the weather becomes a little warmer and the blossom and buds make an appearance too. It makes me smile to see the Spring flowers coming up and my first couple of times in the garden, pruning and weeding, has given my well-being a huge boost. Have you noticed how you have been affected by the promise of the warmer weather?

So it has got me thinking about how our energy dips and rises according to the season and thinking about the long road between the warmth of the Christmas season and the hope of Easter time. The full-on spurt of December is where we race towards present buying, planning the food, end of term school productions, pantomime visits, wrapping the gifts, work outings and hosting friends and relatives. Yes it can be wonderful. It also can be difficult. And it is often exhausting.

And then, around new year, we have the tradition of making resolutions which invites all of us to think big, go large and make some decisions about how THIS year will be different…we set goals, create vision boards, write lists, aspire to change and practise determination. All very commendable. As you and I well know, there is much personal testimony available that proves that many new year resolutions last about 3 weeks.

Any ideas why? To come from the energy spent racing towards the end of the year (which even with the many positive emotions surrounding the season, it is a tiring time) and then to push ourselves to begin new things, gym memberships, diets etc. when the rest of nature says slow down, rest…. even hibernate – we are not setting ourselves up for an easy win.



It is good to aim high. To lift our eyes to the mountains and walk towards a dream or a healthier habit is good and important. Yes, yes. But when there is something new on the horizon would you naturally choose the hardest, most difficult path towards it or say let’s try the smooth path to save my energy for the steeper climb? Why not harness the natural energy of Spring?

What is the reason for the season?

Learning from the natural world, we see that there are seasons for a reason. During the winter, there is rest. Roots going deeper. Energy turns inwards. Waiting. Renewing. There is much talk these days about going with the flow. Flow of what? What is greater than ourselves and what is happening in our natural context. Nature is resting during winter. In Springtime, nature buds and blossoms. New growth coming. Same for us. Perhaps the energy of Spring is more in keeping with starting something new.

A river that carries me downstream as I float takes less energy than if I were to attempt to swim upstream against the current. It is possible. It might even be good for me, but my whole energy and focus will be on keeping alive in the current! If I allow the current to carry me, I can then focus on something else while I retain energy. Meaning, harnessing the natural energy of Spring will give you more impetus to keep going with new steps and healthy habits than when it is natural to want to rest and recuperate in the gentler energy of the winter months. It is worth being aware that it may not be that you are lazy or ill-disciplined in the early days of January, and that is why your new year resolutions fizzle out because you are making yourself do something your head says is good but your heart and your body drags.

Are you swimming upstream? Have you been forcing yourself when really your body needed to rest and recover within the quieter months after much energy expended in the previous year? Do you sense now is a better time to begin a new journey?

Sometimes we need permission to rest. Sometimes we need to consider the timing of starting something new. And we can always do with support and steady encouragement on our journey towards new terrain.

As we emerge from the long dark days of winter and look ahead to Spring we are naturally drawn to optimism, a surge of hope and energy as we see all around us the natural world coming to life again. How about Spring resolutions instead?

Harness the energy and optimism of the Spring season. Hire a coach to join you on the journey. Take time while your energy is gathering to set goals or intentions  for the coming season. Notice the difference in your energy now and at the start of the year. And enjoy the journey!

Transformational Questions:

·      What are you noticing about your energy levels?

·      What practices and rituals do you have that fit with the current season?

·      In what ways are you in alignment with the emerging season?

·      Where do you need more clarity and focus at the moment?

·      What one step can you take to find more joy in this season?

If you have found value in this blog, please share with your network. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

If you would like to explore this further in a coaching context please contact Anna at

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